

       Jobs and Economics: Ken Cuccinelli has promised he will create a program to empower middle class families, lower their taxes, and enhance the lives of job creators, entrepreneurs, and innovators. He has called this plan the Economic Growth and Virginia Jobs Plan. The plan uses four main ideas to help boost Virginia’s job economy. First off, he plans to reduce individual income tax rate from 5.75 to 5 percent. This would have a positive and negative effect, by giving individuals more money to spend, but also reducing government funding for roads, hospitals, etc. Subsequently, Cuccinelli also plans to reduce business income tax, giving businesses more money to spend, but the government less. Under the plan, a commission will also be created to reduce small business taxes. Last but not least, Cuccinelli plans to ensure that any government growth can not and will not exceed inflation or population growth. This program will reduce taxes, but may have a negative effect when Virginia’s government receives less money.

        Education: Cuccinelli believes many students in Virginia do not have fair opportunities of education, and he plans to do something for change. He states that many students do not have these chances, because they live in an area with poor schools, or little money for education. He has created a plan that will guarantee a higher number of students in Virginia attending four years of college, and opportunities to obtain science and math degrees. Cuccinelli’s education plan has five factors. It aims to broaden studies of science and math, create a program to educate teacher’s with new methods to enlighten students, use technology in schools to keep children organized and ready, teach a a variety of languages, and reward improvement or maintaining a high grade.

        Gun Control: Ken Cuccinelli fully supports 2nd Amendment rights, and believes that gun control is unnecessary. As a state senator, Cuccinelli voted against gun control, because he believes that some families feel the need to protect themselves by self defense. Although he believes in these rights, Cuccinelli will continue to make laws against those who abuse them.

        So in conclusion, if you are a middle class family and are looking for a bit more spending money, you may want to vote for this candidate. If you have children, and believe they recieve a poor education, and if you own a firearm and wish to protect yourself, then write K”en Cuccinelli down on your ballot.


        Jobs and Economics: If Mcauliffe becomes Governor of Virginia, he plans to create more energy jobs. “According to the Brookings Institute, the United States had created 2,675,545 clean energy jobs. Unfortunately, Virginia only has 2.5% of those jobs, or 66,772,” he states on his website. One example of his ideas is the lack of wind power we are utilizing in Virginia. By taking this power and using it, McAuliffe believes we can create thousands of jobs, and make millions of dollars as a whole for landowners and new property tax revenues. This is just one of McAuliffe’s ideas to utilize job opportunities, and make more money as a state.

        Education: McAuliffe believes students of Virginia are not getting enough to build successful lives. “Only 87 percent of students are graduating high school on time,” he reasons. If elected, he promises he will support grade school students and make many changes. First off, McAuliffe plans to reform the SOL tests that drill students, and wishes to create more flexibility in testing. Secondly, McAuliffe plans to innovate our learning by boosting science and math learning. McAuliffe plans to support schools, and increase access to a good childhood education. By ensuring these factors in Virginia’s education, McAuliffe plans to increase the rates of passing students and students graduating from high schools.

        Gun Control: Unlike Cuccinelli, Terry Mcauliffe is pro gun control and plans to decrease the support for guns in Virginia. His plan for gun control is very similar to that of Colorado’s. It has three main components, that can lower the amount of firearm users in Virginia. The first component would be background checks, to ensure the gun purchaser is a trustworthy person and knows how to handle the dangerous weapon. Subsequently, Terry Mcauliffe plans to lower magazine sizes, which could also be avoided by some criminals who already own “high capacity magazines,” to outgun their victims. McAuliffe will also make a law that states you can own one gun per month. In Colorado, where a similar gun control was put into place, two state senators were quickly recalled by upset citizens. Which makes people wonder wether this law will last.

        Terry Mcauliffe may appeal to unemployed citizens, because of his plan to create more energy jobs. His education plan may also attract families with children who are falling behind in school, and those who want to see an end to shootings, will most likely vote in Terry McAuliffe.


ROBERT SARVIS (Libertarian)

        Jobs and Economics: Robert Sarvis believes we need to be getting unemployed Virginian’s back to work, and we need to be ready for the challenges ahead of us. He proposes we do this with open and competitive markets which are based on the rule of law. Robert Sarvis agrees with many that corruption in Virginia needs to be put to an end in order to boost our jobs and economics.

        Education: Robert Sarvis believes schools need to change to enable a higher amount of students who pass high school. To prepare students for the real world, he proposes parents need to be in charge of the money spent in their schools, and that teachers need higher profits and to be rewarded for the education value they create.

        Families who wish to have more money, by stopping corruption in the government, and parents who believe they need more control over the education their children receive, would write down this third party candidate’s name on their ballots.

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